28 tháng 9, 2016

Take a look at Webnode’s new “How to” video!

News from Webnode

Tips from Webnode
Take a look at Webnode's new "How to" video!
We are very happy that you have chosen Webnode to make your website. We also understand that sometimes getting started is the hardest part which is why we made this video answering the most commonly asked questions from our users. Whether you are creating your first Webnode website or remaking your website, after just a couple of minutes with us, you will be able to make the website you've been hoping for.
How to Create a Website for Free in 7 minutes
Any suggestions for the video? We're looking for your help and ideas to make our next videos better. To do so, simply add a comment to the video, message us on Facebook, or contact our customer supportWe wish you success with your website and hope you enjoy working with our new editor!
Michael Svacha,
The Webnode Team
Webnode, September 2016
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